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Lees PDF online Nothing Is Okay

Read More ... Nothing is Okay is the second full-length poetry collection by Rachel Wiley, whose work simultaneously deconstructs the lies that we were taught about our bodies and our beings, and builds new ways of viewing ourselves. As sh…

Lees PDF online Collected Poetical Works of Rumi (Delphi Classics)

Read More ... The greatest Sufi mystic and poet in the Persian language, Rumi has widely influenced mystical thought and literature throughout history. Today, Rumi is one of the most read poets of the world, whose wise teachings in ‘The Ma…

Lees PDF online Le Soulier de satin de Paul Claudel

Read More ... Bienvenue dans la collection Les Fiches de lecture d’Universalis Œuvre-testament, poème cosmique de la chrétienté, ou, comme l’écrivait Paul Claudel (1868-1955) dans une lettre de 1920, « énorme pièce dans le style espagnol a…

Lees PDF online Τα Ποιήματα

Read More ... Ο Κώστας Καβάφης γεννήθηκε και έζησε στην Αλεξάνδρεια της Αιγύπτου, όταν οι γονείς του άφησαν πίσω τους την Κωνσταντινούπολη το 1840. Η εμπορική ιδιότητα του πατέρα του και οι φαναριώτικες οικογενειακές ρίζες της μητέρας του …

Lees PDF online The Selected Poems of Cavafy

Read More ... C. P. Cavafy is one of the most singular and poignant voices of twentieth-century European poetry, conjuring a magical interior world through lyrical evocations of remembered passions, imagined monologues and dramatic retelli…